Simple Pleasures



  Simple pleasures… That LAST day of school ~ FIRST day of summer feeling! What delightful moments will you enjoy today? ✨

Colorful Creativity!

  Simple pleasures… Finding beautiful art work in unexpected places! What delightful moments will you enjoy today? ✨


Nature’s Song

  Simple pleasures… The sound of birds singing, chirps and trills ~ especially as they greet a new day! What delightful moments will you enjoy today? ✨  

Luscious Flavor

  Simple pleasures… The sweet and tangy burst of fresh ripe berries in the summertime! What delightful moments will you enjoy today? ✨


Vitality in Motion

  Simple pleasures… That amazing feeling when you s-t-r-e-t-c-h your body ~ like a cat who just woke up from a nap! What delightful moments will you enjoy today? ✨


Cozy Comfort

Simple pleasures… Snuggling down under the covers into a lovely cocoon of warmth & comfort before you have to get out of bed to start your day. What delightful moments will you enjoy today? ✨