Finding inspiration and joy in the melody of Life!

Inspire Life Blog
Welcome! Thanks for joining this celebration of Life in the present moment! Our stories unfold before us each day to be shared as encouragement and inspiration to others. As we seek to fill our hearts and minds with the hope, love, peace, and joy of this beautiful journey together here on planet earth ~ may we experience a soul deep connection in our shared humanity. One people. One planet. One precious glorious Life!

Slowing down to the speed of Life ~ allow Nature to show you how... When we take the time throughout each day to shift our focus from the daily task list to becoming aware of the natural world around us, we connect to the timeless truth. The sun always rises. Spring always comes. The earth just keeps on spinning. We understand the ancient wisdom of Lao Tsu: Do nothing, nothing remains undone. This allows us to restore balance and harmony for a more joyful Life!

About Me
In the heartland of Iowa, Jennifer Tiemens had delightful childhood adventures with her family and countless relatives before graduating from the University of Iowa and moving to be closer to the Northwoods of Minnesota. Her love of the woodlands and wetlands led her to follow her north star so she could explore the nearby wilderness areas while pursuing her career interests in landscaping, writing, and Pilates with a strong devotion to her own family.
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Details & Design
Design. 💚 The shapes, textures, and colors we bring to our daily lives create the intricate design of our beautiful Life in motion. You.
Being open…
Open heart, open mind. ✨ Living with our hearts wide open, allows us to see beyond the surface ~ to find deeper meaning and.
Deep satisfaction…
Create. ✨️ When we make something with our hands ~ using our imagination to bring it into this world ~ following an internal spark,.
Life. Moments are precious. Be fully present. Mindful. See the inherent beauty of this day!

~ Jennifer Tiemens